Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha : Practicing Zen Since 2010
Face-To-Face and Zen On Zoom Schedule
(1) Morning Zazen is offered online each day from
6:30 AM – 7:30 AM EST.
Welcome 30 minutes & Zazen Informal Dharma Discussion
Weekly Modified Service
(2) Evening Zazen is offered online each Tuesday night
Face-to-Face at Congregational Church 68 Main St. Falmouth MA, the zendo opens at 6:30 for Newcomer Orientation
(Enter through side of Church via parking lot)
7:00 PM – 8:30PM EST using zoom and Face-to-Face​​
20 minutes of Zazen (if people are new this period will be guided)
Repentance and Refuges
15 minutes of Zazen
Dharma Discussion
Best Practice ideas regarding sangha and the Coronavirus
Bodhisattva Vows
(3) Every 2nd Saturday of the month Face-to-Face Only 7:30-9:00 AM at Church Location
Individuals may schedule a one to one Dokusan (conversation about one’s practice) with Sangaku, sensei via Zoom twice monthly. Email Sensei at sensei@falmouthsotozensangha.net to schedule a talk.
1-3 Day Retreats are offered quarterly
Book Reviews and Book Study are On-going