Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/7096899032?status=success#success Password FSZS
Dokusan with Sangaku-sensei by appointment sensei@falmouthsotozensangha.net
•Remember Each Morning Zazen (30 min. then talk) on Zoom from 6:30-7:25 AM/ET
(We sit 45 minutes on Saturday then chat for 15 minutes)
•Tuesday Night Service 7:00-8:30 PM/EDT (FTF and ZOOM)
•Second Saturday each Month Face-to-Face (Only) 7:30-9:00 AM
First Congregational Church 68 Main St. Falmouth Church Parlor
Mokuo will be away the Months of June and July and will Zoom in when possible
June 3: Beach Sit: 6:30am
June 4: Movie Night
June 10: Beach Sit 6:30am
June 11: Dharma Cloud: Standing at The Edge(COMPASSION): Halifax
June 15: JUST SIT SATURDAY (7:30AM - 9:00AM)
June 15: Sangha member Morgaihne Huntress performs One Person show at 10AM at Arts Festival on Library lawn
June 17: Beach Sit: 6:30am
June 18: Guest Speaker: Hojo Micheal Elliston-roshi
June 24: Beach Sit 6:30am
June 25: The Incredible Lightness of Being
Outreach Services:
Tuesdays: Falmouth Senior Center
Wednesdays: West Falmouth Library
Fridays: Emerson House
STO Womens Forum: Monthly (Mokuo Nancy Sherwood)
Project on Women Ancestors: Daily (Mokuo Nancy Sherwood)