Legend has it, that in 583 BC or thereabouts, Siddhartha Gautama was born in a grove near the town of Lumbini in Nepal. In Soto Zen we usually celebrate his birth on April 8, as is the tradition in Japan. The celebration is called Hanamatsuri or "Flower Festival."
For us at FSZS, the party will be held April 21 at our weekly Tuesday service, now Online from 7-8Pm. Please email me at sensei@falmouthsotozensangha.net if you do not have the url address and password.
Hanamatsuri is about celebrating birth. Profound meaning in our Zen tradition echos in the phrase: Great is the Meaning of Birth and Death, awake, awake each one, do not waste this life. In spring the earth comes alive, renews and uplifts us. From the dark comes the light we say. Our awareness is full of possibility.
Please join us this Tuesday for a Virtual Buddha's Birthday Bash. Consider this your official invitation, and party hats are optional. Here is what to bring when you Zoom in with us:
A flower
A small container of water
Any statues of Buddha you may have around the house
An item of food such as a spout of broccoli, piece of cake, or scoop of ice cream
Our agenda will be modified from our regular service and will have the following periods:
Welcome and Striking of the Han
15 minute zazen
Chanting of the Kannon Sutra/En Mei Jikku Kannon Gyo
A short video on the legend of Buddha's birth
Washing the Buddha
Birthday wishes for All
Bodhisattva Vows
Please join us in Sangha as we celebrate the renewal of our planet and practice...
10b Bows