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Unshin Sangaku

Please Consider a Financial Gift to FSZS

​​Today is Buddha's Enlightenment Day. The time Buddhist celebrate Shakyamuni Buddha seeing deeply into the meaning of birth and death and unfolding the practice of the Middle Way.

The Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha is a full practice, teaching, learning and community service center on Cape Cod. We are beginning our tenth year of operation in 2020. As an Affiliate of the Silent Thunder Order, we are also a 501c3 organization. One hundred percent of our donations come from individuals, and this income is split three-ways.

One third goes to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Falmouth for use of their facility. One third of the income goes to support the Silent Thunder Order. Then, the final third is used for expenses relating to website, teaching material, sitting cushions, candles, incense, and food for various events. I do not take a salary. Also, each February, I post FSZS's financial condition statement to members and on our FaceBook site.

Over the last several years our membership has been growing and ten people have taken vows as Buddhist. Remember, no one is required to take vows (Jukai) and all persons are welcome to practice with our Sangha.

At this time of year, as you are considering heart-felt gifts of support to various organizations, please think about making a donation to FSZS. As you know weekly teachings are offered on our Facebook site at no cost, nor are people or organizations ask to pay for our outreach work in alcohol and drug abuse rehabilitation and prevention.

It is easy to give. You can go to our website site:, scroll down and you'll find a donation-button for PayPal or any major credit card. You may also mail a donation to FSZS, 14, Davis Rd. Falmouth MA, 02540.

In Soto Zen Buddhism we use the word "gassho," frequently. It means heat-felt thanks.

May 2020 unfold compassion, kindness, joy and happiness to each of you.

108bows _/\_


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