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Unshin Sangaku

TIS Zen season for the next six weeks. For the Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha (FSZS), it begins in November when we celebrate Founders' Month. Eighty years ago, our Founder Zengaku Soyu Matsuoka-Roshi came to America. He and his student and my teacher, Taiun Elliston-Roshi, Abbot of the Silent Thunder Order, become the focus of our sharing the Dharma. November is also the month FSZS was founded (2010), and the month Jukai (taking vows as a Buddhist) takes place.

Here is our schedule of activities, including Rohatsu on December 6&7. I hope you will attend as many activities as possible (all events are at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Falmouth if not otherwise noted):

November 5, 2019- Teachings of Matsuoka-Roshi.

November 12, 2019- A PowerPoint presentation: "A Short History of Zen."

November 16, 2019- 1/2 day retreat (Zazenkai) 6AM-10:45AM.

November 16, Jukai Ceremony for Joe LaBrecque and Garth Smelser at Noon. Lunch will be served after the ceremony.

November 17, 2019 (10AM)- "A Short History of Zen" presentation will be given to 7&8 graders, at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Falmouth.

November 19, 2019- 7:00 PM, a conversation with STO Abbot Taiun Elliston-Roshi.

November 26, 2019- O'Bon Service (celebration of the life of Buddhist ancestors).

December 6-7, 2019, Rohatsu or Buddha's Enlightenment (Ikusei-san's home), 6:30 PM until 6:30 AM. After sitting overnight, we all go out to breakfast.


Sangaku Dan Joslyn, Practice Leader, and Teacher


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