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Right Intention/Thought: Mental Direction

Unshin Sangaku

If one practices Right View, it generates comparative thinking. Since we pointed out the word "right" can be seen as moving away from creating conditions fostering Dukkha, as we do so we practice clarity of thought. Penetration of life means understanding the universal laws and Four Noble Truths.

Our "Practice" is living those principles through the Noble Eight Fold Path.

"What do you intend to do about it?" is a somewhat common question. The "IT" of course is a slice of life and the inquiry is what do you see and what do you think you will do? As we see conditions and variables arising and falling, we conjure thoughts about what to do to reduce suffering. In classic Buddhism, this is sometimes noted as renouncing, goodwill, and harmlessness. Looking more deeply we see renouncing our volitional behavior leading to suffering, fostering goodwill as a counter to mental wishing of ill will to befall someone or thing, and finally off-setting thoughts of harm with harmlessness-well being. Shakyamuni was said to have noted that thoughts are right and wrong relative to greed, hate, and delusion: or compassion, loving-kindness, joy, and equanimity. He was also to have said that intention can be understood as driving a rotting peg out by hammering a fresh peg in...

Our intentions are mental direction sponsored by right view or understanding of life. In contemplation, we can weigh one intent with another using the tools developed through our practice. More so, we can direct our intentions. For example, when people come into our sangha they remove their shoes and they are asked to stand in front of a small altar and..." send a kind thought out into the universe." We emote right intention described in classic Buddhism as metta. Metta is loving kindness we infuse into the cosmos. When we say I wish you well and mean it is a manifestation of Right Intentions.

In looking an H.H. The Dali Lama, or Thick Nhat Hanh we sense a deep of love, glowing, or projecting, toward all life. In our Bodhisattva Bows, we speak to this:

Beings are numberless I vow (Intend) to free them (from the ignorance that we cannot be liberated from suffering).

Delusion are inexhaustible, I vow (intend) to end them

Dharma gates (opportunities for deeper understanding) are boundless I vow (intend) to enter them

The Buddha way is unsurpassable (view) I vow (intend) to realize it.

Notice the similarity to prayer or a wholehearted expression of hope or concern reflected as compassion for life in that we and all beings tend toward happiness, just as we are all experiencing suffering.

May you be well...



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