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Suffering Is Not What It Seems

Unshin Sangaku

In our visiting the "Notes of Classical Buddhism," we add the four notes of The Four Noble Truths to those of Impermanence, Interconnectivity,

Non-Abiding Self, and Dukkha, which I wrote about last week. Since Shakyamuni Buddha said all he taught was Dukkha or generally referred to as suffering, then what is truth of which he speaks? It is none other than Dukkha is a condition effected by the degree to which we attach or cling to sensory variations.

Dogen Zenji says... " we have two different ways of living. Our ordinary lives (small mind) are always filled with problems, desires and delusions. If we see only ordinary life we may think it is natural just to follow our instincts...but we seek to be free from ordinary life and live in a better way. (The Life that Shines Through Infinity, p.163 and 164). The Four Nobles Truths enable us to experience the universal self (big mind) .

The Four Noble Truths comprise the essence of Buddha's teachings...1) They are the truth of suffering, 2) the truth of the cause of suffering, 3) the truth of the end of suffering, and the 4) truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering. (

So, it is through the experience of approaching suffering as attachment, we can gain insight into suffering as Pliable. No longer ignorant of "The Way" of liberation, we can lessen and eliminate suffering. This is none by not thinking it is abnormal, looking deeply into it, seeing causes and effects, and intuiting steps to take to lessen and eliminate it.

So join us us Tuesday February 12, 2019, 6:30PM for newcomers, and 7:00PM for the start of service.

108 Bows,



Remember to join us for Drop-In-Zen, our Wednesday night online experience from 7:00-7:50PM Eastern Time. Email me at and I will send you the code. No need to download App...the site opens at 6:50PM...


  • Welcome: 2 minutes

  • Guided Zazen (meditation), I describe how to do it as you do it: 5 minutes

  • Dharma of the Night Talk, a talk by me about Buddhism and Zen: 10 minutes

  • Conversation: An opportunity to contribute as we explore the topic: 15 minutes

  • Topics we might explore in the future- “YOU NAME IT”: 2 minutes

  • Silent Zazen (meditation): 5 minutes

  • Closing chant: 1 minute

  • Gassho, thank you, and see you next Wednesday


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