November is Founder’s Month as we celebrate the life of of our founder Soyu Zengaku Matsuoka-roshi, the Tenth Anniversary of the founding of the Silent Thunder Order (STO), and the Eight Anniversary, of the Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha (FSZS). Here is calendar of events for November and December:
November 1 Calendar of events sent to Sangha
November 6 Taiun-roshi, Abbot of the Silent Thunder Order will hold a video Dharma talk at 8PM during our regular Tuesday night service.

November 13 A Dharma Talk on Matsuoka's writing on the “360 Degrees or Zen” and video of Matsuoka
November 20 No Service given travel plans for Thanksgiving of Sangha members
November 27 Celebrating FSZS the Eight Anniversary of the founding of the Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha and viewing of Video of Taiun-roshi, plus “Bring a Friend or Ten to ZEN”
December 4 Memorial Service for Soyu Zengaku Matsuoka-roshi
December 14-15 Rohatsu (Buddha’s Enlightenment) held at the home of Mokuyo Nancy Sherwood. 6:30 PM (Friday) through 6:30 AM (Saturday) followed by a great breakfast

Each year we ask for a special donation to our Order (Mokurai: Silent Thunder). And, each year a small gift is offered to those who can donate $35 or more-this year it is a Monks Bag
You can make direct donations online at our website falmouthsotozensnagha.net or by going to the STO website storder.org. or by check made out to FSZS. Be sure to designate STO Founders Month/from a FSZS member.
108 bows for all you do in sharing the Dharma. And, as always if I can be of service in your practice feel free to call, email, set a time for Dokusan, or joining me for a chat and a cup of coffee.
I look forward to seeing you soon...
_/\_ Sangaku