This past Sunday I spoke at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Falmouth. In the order of service, right there under the word Sermon was the topic and then the name: Rev. Dan Joslyn.
Now I have looked at hundreds of orders of service and noticed speakers having a tile of Rev. My sermon was on principles and living by vow. So here comes my questions. (A) Am I acknowledging what others might see me as, or (B) am I trying to be less Buddhist. To add to the options, another way of title-ing ME would have been- Sangaku Dan Joslyn, Sensei. It is like the first time someone called me "sir." Which made me think what does that mean, am I that? Reverend in the dictionary refers to an ordained member of the clergy. So what is the clergy and am I a minister (of what)?
Last year I attended by 50th college reunion. My wife who is an M.D., did not attend with me but she was listed as by spouse in publications, with the tile"Dr." When my name was called at the last get-together, I was introduced as Dr. Dan Joslyn. I wrote a note to my class afterward pointing out I did not have a Ph.d, and that my wife was an M.D.
I do not think I will use "Rev." again as a title, although others may call me that if they wish. Why? It is off-point and doesn't feel right. To make this even more interesting, I don't think of myself as Buddhist either! Now, what may be stranger still is I have the most affinity for: "Unfolding Buddha."
Join us this Tuesday night, 10/23/18, as we explore why we are Buddhas and what do we do about it!
Many bows for those attending our Buddhism Book Bunch (BBB) last last night. Our next meeting is November 18, 2018 as we complete our book by Joan Halifax-roshi.
November is Founders Month: the list of activities fo the month will be posted next week