The third Tuesday of each month features an open Dharma talk. This mean members of the Sangha may ask me whatever they wish. Daunting isn't it, come join in the query and let's see how many 100 foot poles we can jump from...
Also, on October 21st I will speak at The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Falmouth on "Principles: Sow, Sew and So What," at 10AM. In addition, later that day at 6:3OPM, our Buddhism Book Bunch (BBB) meets at my house at14 Davis Rd, Falmouth-we'll be in the cottage behind the main house. We will discuss the first 158 pages of the book by Joan Halifax: Edges.
Oh.... on Tuesday October 23, 2018 it is "Bring a Friend or Ten to Zen." We welcome new comers and invite current members to bring friends who they feel may like what we do at FSZS...