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Unshin Sangaku

Zen Immersion

My daughter just finished a month long Spanish immersion experience in Sucre Bolivia. While I have just begun my Zen immersion in Samadhi. I published my calendar on our FSZS FaceBook site if you like to take a look. It is rather daunting, but not to worry as it chances several times a day-I am in Ango.

The term Ango refers to the raining season in what is now norther India and souther Nepal, It was during these 90 days that the nomadic sangha of Sakyamuni Buddha settled into villages. It was during this time that began, what is now a monastic life-style based, on considerations of living much closer together than in the forest in the dry months. In close quarters more attention to compassion... My day begins at 4:45 with bed making room cleaning and toilet and dressing until 5:25 or so. I have a cup of coffee and cereal bowl of oatmeal, I begin sitting around 5:30 with formal sitting beginning at 6AM. Others join around this time and we end a 7:30. I then do choirs until around 8:30 followed by assignments given to me by my teacher, or when there is a time gap-back to the cushion. Around 11, I prepare for the Noon Zazen and sit from 11:30 to 1:00. Then I cook my main meal with the handy-dandy cereal-bowl now transforming into a rice/tofu or chicken bowl. I then repeat the morning sitting/choir schedule.

The Atlanta Soto Zen Center has many services and activities taking place and I try to attend as many as possible, and having discussion with Hojo ( another name for our Abbot and my teacher Taiun-roshi). Around 5:00 I eat 3-4 tangerines and drink a large class of water. Then sitting, book group or newcomers orientation beginning at 6PM and ending at 7:30. I then read, do some work answer emails until 9Pm. I then sit Zazen alone until 10 and lights out at 10:30. This week I look forward to incorporating outside kinhin, on an urban walking path close to ASZC.

This Tuesday night 11/14/17 I will SKYPE-into our regular FSZS service at 8:00 and give everyone a tour our our training facility: the Atlanta Soto Zen Center. IF YOU cannot make it to the meeting in Falmouth I can SKYPE you in if you have a free account and will E-mail me your SKYPE name.

108 bows to all in the Sangha who have stepped up to continue our now seven-year mission of sharing the Dharma, helping to reduce suffering, and unfolding compassion, loving-kindness, joy and equanimity.

May you be well ..._/\_

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