Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha : Practicing Zen Since 2010
Priest and Guiding Teacher
Sensei Unshin Sangaku Dan Joslyn is a Silent Thunder Order Transmitted Priest, As Leader of the Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha he is a member and follows the ethical standards of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association (SZBA), the Lay Zen Teachers Association (LZTA) and Cape Clergy. Sensei also works in drug and alcohol counseling and engaging senior citizens in learning meditation.
Before becoming a priest, he was an organizational sociologist working with nonprofit groups in strategic planning, program-evaluation, and management training. His largest client-base was Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).
In addition, he has been a college lecturer at several institutions and served on a number of boards of trustees. He is available to speak on the history of Buddhism and Zen and their role in everyday life, and “ How a Small-Town Boy from Forsyth, Georgia, Grew-up to be a Zen Buddhist Priest.”
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